The Growth Track is a four part experience, designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, learn God given gifts and purposes, and more.

Questions & Answers

Starting Point is where the journey begins to discover more about Life Change Church, our beliefs, and our vision and values. By the end of the class, you will have an understanding of what it means to belong to Christ and the Life Change Church Family.

Love God is our second class focused on growing in Christ will help you build the habits you need ti jumpstart your spirital growth. It will give you an overview of the three basic spirital habits a Christian needs in order to grow: daily time with God (prayer and Bible study), and fellowship.

Love People is a class designed to help you discover how God has uniquely S.H.A.P.E.D you and how you can best serve in the church. You will look at several different assessment tools to help you better understand your purpose and heartbeat to effectively advance the mission to the church.

Go Change the World is a class designed to help you discover your life mission and how you can be a part of God's plan to reach out to the world. This class will help you; develop a perspective of the Gospel message, develop your personal story of how God has worked in your life and build confidence in sharing your story. 

We are encouraging adults to take the growth track classes, however if you think students are old enough to participate and have a mature understanding we are open to students attending as well. We recommend 10 years of age and up.


Life Change will provide lunch